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Cancelada la gira de Jason Molina, tras la muerte de Evan Farrel


Ene 3, 2008

Fuente: Green Ufos


Green Ufos cancela la gira que la semana que viene iba a hacer con Jason Molina. El motivo por el que la gira se cancela es la trágica muerte de Evan Farrell, el último bajista de Magnolia Electric Co.

Ayer por la tarde Jason Molina comunicó a Green Ufos que muy a su pesar tenía que cancelar esta gira para participar en unos conciertos benéficos que se van a organizar en Estados Unidos para paliar en la medida de lo posible el dolor de mujer e hijos.


En la medida de lo posible, Green Ufos tratará de ubicar esta gira en los próximos meses. Por supuesto, se devolverá el dinero de las entradas a aquellos que las hubieran adquirido en anticipado a través de Tick Tack Tickets.


A continuación tenéis el email que envió Jason a Green Ufos para que se haga público, además de algunos links a la triste noticia.

Friends.  My long time buddy and member of the Magnolia Electric Co,

bassist, guitarist, steel player and over arching great human has been

killed over X-mas.  His name is Evan and he died in a fire while working on

a record with one of his many other bands, the Japonize Elephants. Due to

this tragedy  I am regretfully  reporting  that I am cutting out the Spanish

portion of my January projects, wanting to be part of the memorial concerts

to raise money for his wife and two sons.  Please understand that I never

cancel shows. This is unique and I will make it up to everyone the best way

that I can.  I know that everyone involved will assist me in coming back to

Spain.  I know where my heart will be buried and I also know that now it is


I am aware of all of the hard work that Green UFOs has done to make me a

wonderful tour and am also aware of the time and money spent by the fans to

prepare to come to these shows.  As I said, of the shows that I have not

come to… I can count them on my left hand.  1. Blizzard where the band and

I were trapped in the van for an entire night.  2.  Right front tire fell

off the van and broken axel.  3. Tour was to begin on 9/11.  4.? I can't

think of that one.  So to all of my great friends and to all friends  of

Magnolia Electric Co. please burn a candle for our brother and accept my

promise to make it back.    


 Jason Molina










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